News error dialogs no longer hang the application.Thunderbird brings up an error dialog and refuse to connect to the server. If you configure a mail server to use secure authentication but the server does not support it, Thunderbird no longer silently falls back to insecure authentication.Junk Folder Purging works on all accounts and not just the first one.POP Accounts: A new filter action to delete a message from POP3 server if messages are left on the server by default.POP Accounts: "Click here to download the rest of the message" now works.The progress bar now appears in the mail 3-pane window when reporting progress for operations like downloading new mail or a message body.No more new mail alert notifications when the incoming messages are Junk.POP Accounts now support aging on the server.A Palm Sync Address book conduit extension is now available for Thunderbird 0.4.Profile Migration from Netscape 4.x has seen a lot of improvements.Enchancements include: a mark button in the main mail window and copy/cut/paste icons in mail compose. More options for customizing toolbars the way you want them.Only mark a message as read when it has been open in the preview pane for a configurable number of seconds.

Mozilla Firebird and Thunderbird can be run at the same time with out the two builds interfering with URL dispatching between applications. The menu bar behaves correctly after closing all open windows.

Mac OS X: Added a Windows menu which makes it easier to manage open Thunderbird windows.Linux: Thunderbird properly dispatches browser URLs to the default browser.It now shows the Account name instead of your server user name. The Windows animated alert has a new look and feel.The message list pane now has a separate sortable column for attachment status on a message.The message list pane now shows status for reply, forward and unread as icons directly on the message envelope instead of using text.The theme is about 90% complete with only a few "classic" looking icons remaining. The default theme for Mozilla Thunderbird has taken a huge leap forward.Wat er precies veranderd is in de 0.4-release is hieronder te lezen: Improved Look Met behulp van extensions en themes kan de mailclient naar eigen smaak worden aangepast. Daarnaast kan Thunderbird berichten in nieuwsgroepen plaatsen en lezen. Dit programma kan e-mail ophalen en versturen via de IMAP- en POP-protocollen, en de mail controleren op spamberichten. Mordred attendeert ons op versie 0.4 van Mozilla Thunderbird.