About 15.1 percent of patients who enter a trauma center are uninsured.

National studies show that patient mortality and morbidity is reduced by 20-25 percent when a patient is treated for traumatic injuries and is cared for in a trauma system rather than a non-trauma system.Lee Health's Trauma Center cares for approximately 2,400 traumatically injured patients each year.More than 192,000 people lose their lives to trauma in the United States each year.This is the most critical period that could be the difference between life or death. The "Golden Hour" is the first hour after a patient's injury.1 killer for ages 1-45, with a secondary peak after the age of 65. It is one of 33 trauma centers in Florida - 26 are state-verified and seven are provisional. Lee Health's Trauma Center is the only trauma center between Sarasota and Miami.